TIPS FROM TIM: Choosing the Right Area Rug
Area rugs are a great, easy way to add some personality to a room, not to mention added warmth, comfort, and protection for your floors. But before you shop, consider these factors that go into finding the perfect area rug for your space:
Definitely measure your room before you shop. You want to make sure that you keep at least 18 inches of bare floor exposed around the edges of the rug. That being said, keep in mind that a larger rug can make a room appear larger. In general, 8×11 or 9×12 rugs work best for living rooms. Placing all of the furniture on top of the rug or just the coffee table and front legs of sofas and chairs are both acceptable. In the dining room, make sure the rug is large enough for all the legs of the chairs to sit comfortably on the rug, even when pulled out (but still keeping those 18 inches between the rug and wall). And in bedrooms, you can place smaller rugs along the sides of the bed and at the foot of the bed, or one large rug – placed horizontally – under the bed while still exposed at the foot and sides. The image pictured here shows our general suggestions of area rug placement, however of course it all comes down to what you like personally!
Before you buy, decide which fiber will best suit your needs. For high traffic areas, polypropylene might be your best choice. If you have children and/or pets and are looking for stain resistance, you may want polyester. If being “green” is important to you, consider natural fibers such as sisal or jute.

If other pieces in your room (furniture, pillows, wallcovering) already have bold patterns, a more subtly-patterned area rug is best. If your room is more subdued, try a bolder pattern in your rug to add some pizzazz. An area rug with more pattern is also good for high-traffic areas, as it’s better at hiding spots and worn areas.

Lighter colors can make a room seem more spacious, while darker colors can give a room a more cozy atmosphere. You also want to make sure that you’re mixing the right colors within a space, which can be tricky. This is a great guide to choosing and mixing colors.

Overwhelmed by all this information? Don’t worry! Visit our Charlottesville showroom to take a browse samples of stylish rugs from the top area rug brands and we can help guide you in the right direction. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Tim Walts, Operations Manager at Carpet Plus, was recently granted the designation of Certified Flooring Executive (the highest status conferred by the flooring industry!) by the World Floor Covering Association. Tim worked as an installer for over 10 years and holds top certification from the Certified Floorcovering Installers Association, Inc.